Your first call for any aspect of computer help on the Isle of Wight.
Many problems can be solved on-site - I come to you, anywhere on the Isle of Wight. No charge for travelling.
I aim to complete repairs to your faulty computer, Apple Mac, laptop, printer, phone line,
broadband and network on the first visit. Many common spare parts carried on the van.
Laptop, iMac, Macbook, desktop and notebook repair - broken or faulty LCD/LED screen, snapped or loose hinges, faulty or broken power supply
socket connector or USB port - I can fix these and many other laptop problems. I don't charge a premium for Apple Macs!
Password problems:
One of the most common reasons for a call these days is a lost, corrupt or forgotten password, username or email address.
I get several calls a week for this, so have become quite adept at getting them back where possible!
Virus, Malware, Spyware, Scams:
Prevention and cure - keep your private information to yourself.
Wondering why your PC or Mac has been on a go slow lately, or where all those
annoying popups or that message 'from the police, Microsoft or Inland Revenue' came from?
Advice on avoiding virus infection and scams.
Connect your new computer, laptop, tablet, printer or phone to your broadband wifi network and set up an email application.
Share your Internet connection, files and printers between all of your computers and devices.
Wifi or cable. Extend the coverage of your broadband router. Save valuable time, frustration and money.
Low cost websites, domain names, hosting and email accounts. Broadband problems resolved - slow internet speed, intermittent connection faults,
cable and socket repairs, fix problems with your service provider and more.
Speed up your computer by adding memory if yours is low, or install another hard disk drive or solid state drive (SSD) for extra storage or speed. Full drives can be copied
on to a larger or faster unit for a painless upgrade - you won't know the difference, apart from having more storage space and/or a faster computer!
Disaster recovery:
Fast recovery from lost data or crashes wherever possible. I can also help you to
backup your computer!
General PC help, simplify your record keeping,
speed up repetitive tasks, software and ebay lessons....
- Home and business
- Anywhere on the IoW (based near Ventnor)
- Professional and discreet service
- 30+ years in-depth computer experience
- Approved by Isle of Wight Trading Standards